HIGHKUNA Matata Pop-Up Store @ Quartier 206 Berlin 19-10-2017
Dear friends of good taste,
the HIGHKUNA pop-up store is opening its doors in Quartier 206 and invites you to enjoy exquisite drinks from the house of Jägermeister.
For three months there will be an exclusive selection from the new collections of RUE Berlin, Marvin Game, Lilienthal Berlin, Tim Field Europe and Highkuna Matata in the heart of the city.
Here's all you need to remember:
Oct. 19 X 7 p.m. X UG Q206.
Our favorite people from MRJAH and Dope est Dope together with Marvin Game and Mixamillion let the windows shake and mannequins tremble. On Mic FYGA (Friends of the Night / Berlin).
MG X RUE goodie bags for the first 50 guests. WHAT? Yes, exactly that.
So be on time. No matter how fashionable you are.
And there is also something to win! Together with our partners we will raffle one or the other fashionable goodies on site.
Your HIGHKUNA MATATA Team x Quartier 206