Highkuna x RUE Berlin Pop-Up Store (LASERTAG KICK-OFF) 16-07-2021

Dear family and friends
after a long break we will continue with our successful Pop-up Store run from last year and are filled with Joy to announce that we will kick off our 2021 store from the 26.07.21 until 31.07.21
For one week our Store will be located in sight of the Famous EZB-Terrain and close by our City's favorite Place, the "Skatepark Osthafen"
Location: Henschelstrasse 26 / Frankfurt
We are open from 16:00 p.m. to 21:00 p.m.
There will be an exclusive selection from the new collections of Highkuna, RUE Berlin & our Local Brand 069 Worldwide + Local Newcomer Brands (D'ARC / NO SECON OPTION / LATIN STREET BRAN)
We are offering premium apparel and headwear, accessories and art.
Music HASSAN AMD / WENDY / ANAGRAMM / P.A.I.X. / PEACEKEEPER aka Highkuna Soundsystem.
Every Day: Drinks & Specials
Brands: Highkuna // Rue Berlin // 069 Clothing.